Easy peasy lemon squeezy: 21 uses for Lemon essential oil
When your kitchen smells like the ghost of dinners past, you diffuse Lemon oil. When a child’s sticker leaves residue on your car window, you defy it with Lemon. When you need a little more spring in your step, you dilute Lemon with V-6™ and dab it on your wrist. Life is full of Lemon moments; it’s no wonder this essential oil is a Young Living favorite!
From brightened beverages to sparkling skin, we’re sharing 21 ways to use those little drops of liquid sunshine. Say hello to Lemon essential oil, your new zest friend!
Cheerful aromatic
Whether you’re tackling traffic or battling bad odors, Lemon essential oil’s zesty aroma can shed sunshine on the situation. Its invigorating scent is like the perfect rush-hour playlist—light, bright, and energizing!
1. Snuff out stinky smells by placing a Lemon-infused cotton ball in the refrigerator, bathroom drawer, or trash can.
2. Stay on task when working on that big business presentation or last-minute school project and add a few drops of Lemon to your essential oil diffuser.
3. Blast some great tunes on the radio—and Lemon oil in your Car Vent Diffuser—to channel your inner road warrior. Life is a highway!
4. Draw on the energizing aroma of Peppermint and Lemon oils when you need an aromatic pick-me up! Take a drop of each and dilute with 8 drops V-6. Apply the blend to your temples or behind your ears.
5. Look on the bright side by surrounding yourself with this blend’s stimulating aroma.
balance ni tak bermaksud sama banyak...tapi ikut keseimbangan atau titik keseimbangan. contoh, 250ml air + 1 sudu gula = balance.
EO adalah homeostatic- they bring balance to the body. EO do not force change on the body, they simply promotes a healthful state tru stimulation depends on body needs at that time. body is a very powerful living machine...it equips by system that regulates body. it knows what it needs and it will signals us by producing or trigger symptoms. it is us who sometimes fail to understand the signal sends.
Pelbagai kegunaan ESSENTIAL OIL LEMON yang akan mengejutkan anda:
🍋 Menyedapkan minuman. Tambahkan 1-2 titik EO lemon flavouring dalam air atau Ningxia Red
🍋Menyegarkan bau dapur lepas masak. Diffuse EO Lemon
🍋Menanggalkan sticker yang susah nak tanggal.
🍋Menaikkan mood supaya cergas nak buat kerja atau workout 🏋🏻♀️
🍋Lenyapkan bau busuk dengan titik EO lemon atas cotton ball dan sumbat dekat lubang aircond kereta, dalam drawer, almari, atau tong sampah.
🍋Tambahkan lemon dalam Night cream untuk brighter complexion
🍋Cuci muka dengan add on lemon EO dalam cleanser
🍋Titiskan eo lemon dalam air rendaman kaki + epsom salt. Bagus untuk relax dan keluarkan toxin
🍋Tanggalkan kesan crayon di dinding, sapukan dengan EO lemon
🍋Cuci counter top dan dapur dengan Cuka + beberapa titik EO lemon dalam botol spray
🍋Segarkan bau tuala, cadar & selimut dalam basuhan. Titikkan semasa fasa Rinse terakhir
🍋Titiskan eo lemon dalam hirisan buah apple 🍏 🍎 untuk elakkan jadi kekuningan
🍋Tambahkan beberapa titik EO lemon flavouring dalam cookies, carrot cake, dan cheese cake. Rasa dan bau lagi sedap!
🍋Legakan dan lancarkan penghadaman dengan EO Lemon Vitality. Titis dalam air dan minum
🍋Hidu EO lemon dan EO lavender sekaligus untuk aktifkan otak kiri dan kanan.
🍋Diffuse EO Lemon dan Peppermint untuk bantu anak alert semasa belajar
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