June is “Brain Awareness” month, so I wanted to share how essential oils affect the Limbic system (where we store our memories and emotions) of our Brain through smell…, a.k.a. Aromatherapy.

Did you know?
- Essential oil molecules, when inhaling them, reach the brain within 22 seconds
- When applying them topically, within 2 minutes they will be found in the blood stream
- And, at the close of 20 minutes, EVERY cell in the entire body will have been affected!
py (via diffusing or inhaling) is just ONE way of using Young Living’s pure essential oils. When we “smell” any fragrance, the scent goes DIRECTLY into the Limbic system of our Brain FIRST (the emotional and memory centers of our Brain), which completely by-passes the blood-brain barrier.

Since the Limbic system is where our memory and emotions are stored, inhaling different scents can bring back memories, create emotions or even change moods, depending on an individual’s past experiences; like the distinct aroma of fresh-baked homemade bread, which could instantly remind you of a place, time or special person that you may have memory of, like Grandma’s house at Dinner time.

Aromatherapy, using therapeutic-grade essential oils like Young Living’s, can be extremely effective and beneficial for our overall health and wellness! Because each essential oil has its own therapeutic properties (e.g. stimulating, calming, balancing, etc.), inhaling their molecules can immediately change our mood, mind-set or behavior. This reaction can help promote and support a healthier mind, body and spirit, which in turn helps us to “live above the wellness line.”
When using essential oils on a daily basis, they can contribute to our sense of well-being and give us long-term health benefits! My husband and I rely on our oils every day to maintain a better lifestyle, as they promote and support our wellness!
By Dr. Olivier Wenker, MD
June 1, 2016
“Today we did some real-time brain mapping while smelling 11 different oils. The results were very cool! As
expected we saw within seconds real-time activation of left frontal and temporal brain (the left side is the analytical side responsible for focus and attention) by essential oils containing Peppermint, Lemon, and spices such as Rosemary, Clove, and Cinnamon Bark. A calming and happy limbic system was seen when using blends containing Lavender, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Lime, and Copaiba. Frankincense, Lavender, and Copaiba by themselves also showed a calming effect on the limbic system especially in the region of the amygdala (the limbic system is the site of emotions and the amygdala combine memories with fight and flight reactions). We recorded everything and the video is about 50 minutes. We will repeat the test using fewer essential oils and limit the recording to about 15 minutes before we publish it here.”

“If you are interested in learning more about essential oils look at the documentary film about essential oils. I had the pleasure to be part of the movie and this video clip here is part of the movie. If you are interested to own this DVD use my discount code “Wenker” to save some money.” Click here to learn more: http://essentialoilsmovie.com/ref/2
In conclusion, if just inhaling essential oils can promote better health, imagine what they can do when you apply them topically or ingest them! Since Essential Oils are plant-based and all natural, they collaborate in perfect harmony with our mind and body! They are an AMAZING addition to help us live a more healthful lifestyle.
Until next time, here’s to your health and wellness!
“Life needs to have meaning, value and purpose; think about what truly matters, discard the rest” ~ angie
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